Bernese Mountain dog puppy with mouth open, drool streaming down

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Drool? Tips & Advice

Yes, the Bernese Mountain dog breed does frequently exhibit drooling and slobbering issues, especially as excitable puppies still developing oral motor control and then again as adults in warmer temperatures triggering saliva production.

Do Bernese Mountain dogs drool? They drool frequently with saggy jowls and lips that drip saliva constantly, especially as puppies in hot weather.

However, the specific extent of excessive drooling in dogs varies between individual dogs based on factors like age, genetics, and environment.

As a breed, Bernese Mountain dogs possess distinctive loose, pendulous lips and cheek skin as well as heavy jowls and flies that readily collect saliva and then fling it in all directions as the dogs whip their heads around. Their ample saggy facial skin and lip folds also encourage extra vestibules of saliva to overflow and drip out absentmindedly.

Finally, another key contributor remains Bernese dogs’ innate tendency to noisily attack water bowls for drinking with their gigantic tongues fully submerged, inadvertently scooping up and spraying excess water that further adds to flooded jowls.

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Drool?

Do Bernese Mountain dogs drool? it happens especially as young puppies or in hot weather. Their loose, saggy jowls and lips easily collect and drip saliva constantly. Big drooling tongues that submerge into water bowls also create a soggy mess.

However, some individual Bernese dogs maintain tidier habits. Mastiff ancestry contributes to the droopy facial structure behind excessive drooling in dogs.

Managing Messy Bernese Drool

Regularly wiping dogs’ mouths and jowls prevents worsening drips. Elevated water bowls reduce submersion and splashing during drinking. Avoiding hot weather and excitement minimizes extra drool triggers “Drool bibs” catch overflowing slimy strands. Train young Bernese to develop neater water drinking and treat retrieval

Outlining Specific Bernese Mountain Dog Drooling Facts

Bernese Mountain dog panting with excessive drool
  • As rambunctious large-breed puppies during teething phases, Bernese Mountain dogs nearly universally drool and slobber substantially more since they are still attempting to develop baseline muscle control and coordination when managing tongue movements and closure of their lengthy jaws. But with age and repetition, they can be taught greater precision in retrieving water or toys without as much sloppiness.
  • Even adult Bernese Mountain dogs prone to orderly drinking habits experience episodes of heightened drool production and messy slung saliva during times of intense excitement, stress, exercising in hot outdoor weather etc. Any physiological triggers elevating panting, nausea, or poor behavioral inhibition elicits reason for excessive drooling in dogs.
  • On calmer days, basal saliva generation itself ebbs and flows variably from day to day within the same adult dogs based on influences like dental pain, chewing urges, eating appetites, outdoor pollen allergies and other factors temporarily elevating oral secretions individually or collectively at random.
  • While excessive drooling in dogs plagues enough Bernese Mountain dogs to constitute a notoriously “damp” breed, occasional outlier individuals manage tidier mouth habits limited to modest specimens of drool despite genetic destiny in a quirk of nature. But sustained heavy slobber problems certainly dominate amongst the majority.
  • Experts attribute the development of chronically soggy jowls and drooling penchants within Mountain dog breeds like the Bernese to their shared genetic lineages stemming from ancient Mastiff-derived progenitors emphasizing loose facial folds liable to both collect and distribute generous saliva specimens freely.

Recommendations For Better Managing Messy Bernese Mountain Dog Drool

While the breed’s saggy composition and excitable temperament largely promote innate sliminess as lifelong droolers, various husbandry steps may help reduce excessive slobbering messes within households:

  • Gently wiping away accumulated residual saliva off of Bernese’s perpetually dripping jowls and mouths using small hand towels or tissues after meals,vigorous water bowl drilling sessions, and outdoor play romps prevents inevitable drips from smearing over wider areas.
  • Rinsing their facial folds using washcloths dampened mildly with cleansing wipes removes lingering food debris and sticky drying saliva prone to worsening odors if ignored atop their hairy muzzles.
  • Elevating normal water bowls from ground-level onto stands or small entry step ramps reduces the depth Bernese dogs can plunge their noses and tongues into while attacking hydration, minimizing wild head-flinging water spray.
  • Avoiding triggers like hot muggy weather, overly hectic play, and other stressors prevents exacerbating innate excessive drooling in dogs on calmer days for already slimy Bernese prone to slobbering under minimal provocation.
  • Custom absorbent bandana bibs tied under Bernese’s chins make capturing wayward rogue drool strands and preventing them from fleeing onto furniture or carpet more feasible through enhanced saliva retention abilities compared to drips simply landing on standard neckerchiefs eventually saturated.
Bernese Mountain dog drinking from elevated stand bowl. Do Bernese Mountain dogs drool?

Summing Up

Do Bernese Mountain dogs drool? In summary, the innate composition of loose fleshy facial folds coupled by excitable temperaments definitively predisposes the Bernese Mountain dog breed toward ranking among the champion drooler categories versus tidier pedestrian breeds less enthused about broadcasting their saliva so generously. 

While individual variation still occurs in exact messiness thresholds, their genetic destiny ensures most specimens drool more than the average canine. However, better managing specific triggers can provide some household reprieve. 

Additionally, with extensive repetition of commands praising controlled mouths and tidy drinking, adolescent Bernese Mountain dogs can learn to rein in their sloppiest drooling outbursts if supplied adequate incentive. But a basic tolerance for signature slobber remains advisable for any owners committed to embracing the ever-exuberant Bernese Mountain Dog within their tribes.