do foxes eat snakes?

Do Foxes Eat Snakes? Interesting Truth to Know

Foxes and snakes both are unrelated animals but foxes love to eat snakes. Snakes are small animals, easy to eat, and provide an instant source of energy. Mostly foxes eat snakes when they come across them.

Foxes are not thought of as pack animals, in contrast to other canines. Foxes often live alone or within small family units known as “skulks,” which normally consist of the mother fox or around six cubs. Foxes have more than 40 different vocalizations.

Do Foxes Eat Snakes with Preference?

A snack is a small portion of food that is often eaten by foxes to satisfy hunger or craving. While snakes may be a part of a fox’s diet, they do not necessarily have a preference for them. Foxes typically consume snakes when other food sources are scarce or when the opportunity presents itself.

Moreover, Snakes are typically small, easy-to-eat foods that also provide animals a quick energy. Therefore, foxes eat snakes when they able to hunt them. Moreover, different animals have different dietary needs, so the types of snakes that foxes eat can vary greatly.

Some people also raise a question that “What do foxes eat rather than snacks?” Foxes are opportunistic eaters, so their diet can vary depending on what food is available in their environment. In general, foxes eat whatever is easiest for them to catch and eat which includes birds, eggs, insects, worms, and even fish.

foxes are opportunistic eaters

However, Snakes are generally difficult for foxes to catch and may not provide as much nutrition as other foods. Additionally, some snakes are venomous, which could be dangerous for foxes to eat.

Which Animals Eat Snakes?

Many animals eat snakes, including other snakes. Some of the animals that are known to eat snakes include:

  • Other snakes: Some species of snakes are specialized in eating other snakes, and they may hunt and eat snakes of different sizes and species. For example, the king cobra is known to eat other snakes, including venomous species such as the krait and Russell’s viper.
  • Birds of prey: Many birds of prey, such as eagles, hawks, and owls, are known to hunt and eat snakes. They have powerful talons and sharp beaks that allow them to capture and kill snakes, and some species have specialized adaptations for snake hunting, such as the serpent-eagle and the secretary bird.
  • Mammals: Some mammals are known to eat snakes, either as a regular part of their diet or opportunistically if they come across a snake. For example, foxes, wild cats, and weasels are known to hunt and eat snakes. Larger mammals such as bears and big cats may also occasionally eat snakes if they come across them.
  • Reptiles: Some reptiles, such as lizards and other snakes, are known to eat snakes. For example, the mongoose is a well-known snake eater, and it has evolved several adaptations that allow it to kill and eat snakes, such as being resistant to snake venom.

It is important to note that not all animals can eat snakes, and some may be at risk of being harmed or killed by snakes if they try to eat them.

Do Coyotes Eat Snakes?

Coyotes are omnivorous animals, which means they eat a variety of different foods. While coyotes may eat snakes, it is not a common part of their diet.

Coyotes are more likely to hunt for small mammals such as rodents, and squirrels, which are easier to catch and provide more nutrition. However, if a coyote came across a snake and was hungry enough, it might try to eat it.

Are Foxes Edible?

The answer to this question is simply “No”. Foxes are not considered edible for humans. While it is possible for humans to eat the meat of some animals, such as cows, pigs, and chickens, foxes are not typically raised for food and are not considered a safe source of meat for human consumption.

fox meat contain harmful bacteria

There are several reasons for this. For one, foxes are typically wild animals, and their meat may contain harmful bacteria or parasites that could make people sick.

Additionally, foxes are not typically raised in conditions that are safe for human consumption, so their meat may not be of the same quality as meat from animals that are raised specifically for food. For these reasons, it is not advisable to eat foxes.

Does a Snake Eat Foxes?

Foxes eat snakes and sometime Snakes can eat foxes, but it is not a common occurrence. Foxes are generally too large and agile for most snakes to catch and eat. Foxes are not typically found in the same types of habitats as snakes, so they are unlikely to come into contact with each other.

Some species of venomous snakes may be capable of killing a fox if they were to bite it, but this is not common.

Active Time of Foxes to Eat

Foxes are generally nocturnal animals, and are found most active at night. This is also when they are likely to hunt for food. Hence, foxes eat more regularly at night.

do foxes eat snake?active time of foxes is at night

Enemies of Foxes

Foxes have several natural enemies, including other foxes, wolves, coyotes, and bears. Foxes may also be hunted by humans, who may see them as a threat to livestock or poultry. In addition to these natural predators, foxes also face threats from habitat loss and human development.

These factors can make it difficult for foxes to find food, shelter, and mates, which can impact their ability to survive and reproduce. What animal eats foxes are listed below:


Wolves are one of the natural predators of foxes. Wolves are larger and more powerful than foxes, and they are known to hunt and kill foxes for food. Foxes and wolves may also compete for food and territory, which can lead to confrontations between the two animals.

Foxes have evolved behaviors and adaptations to help them avoid being hunted by wolves, such as being stealthy and avoiding areas where wolves are known to live. However, if a fox comes into contact with a wolf, it may be at risk of being killed.


Bears are not typically considered to be natural predators of foxes. Bears are much larger and more powerful than foxes, and they generally eat a plant-based diet consisting of fruits, nuts, and roots. While bears may occasionally eat small mammals such as rodents, they are not known to actively hunt foxes for food.


Coyotes are larger and more powerful than foxes, and they are known to hunt and kill foxes for food. Foxes and coyotes may also compete for food and territory, which can lead to confrontations between the two animals.

Foxes have evolved behaviors and adaptations to help them avoid being hunted by coyotes, such as being stealthy and avoiding areas where coyotes are known to live. However, if a fox comes into contact with a coyote, it may be at risk of being killed.


While foxes are generally not considered to be a threat to humans, there are some instances where they may come into conflict. For example, foxes may prey on domestic poultry or small pets, such as rabbits or guinea pigs.

In these cases, humans may try to protect their animals by hunting or trapping the fox. Some people may hunt foxes for sport or to control their numbers. In some cases, foxes may also be killed by humans to protect livestock, such as sheep or goats.


Bobcats are smaller than wolves and coyotes, but they are still powerful predators that are capable of hunting and killing foxes. Bobcats are usually solitary animals, but they may team up with other bobcats or coyotes to hunt foxes.

However, it is important to note that foxes are generally shy and avoid contact with humans whenever possible.

Correlation of Foxes and Snakes

Here are some interesting facts about the relationship between snakes and foxes:

  • Foxes have keen senses of hearing and smell, which they use to hunt for food and dangerous snake species. They are also excellent climbers and swimmers.
  • There are over 3,000 species of snakes in the world, and they can be found on every continent except Antarctica. More than half of species can be eaten by foxes
  • There are about 37 species of foxes in the world. Foxes are generally smaller than their relatives, and they have distinctive features such as pointed ears, a bushy tail, and a slender snout.
  • Foxes are often portrayed as cunning and sly animals in popular culture. This reputation is based on the fox’s ability to adapt to different environments and its resourcefulness when hunting for food.

Final Thoughts

The summarize answer for “can foxes eat snakes” is, Foxes are also come under carnivore animals, due to this reason they are capable of eating snakes if they come across them. However, snakes are generally not a preferred food source for foxes, as they are relatively small and difficult to catch.

Foxes are more likely to hunt and eat larger animals such as birds, small mammals, and insects. Not all foxes are skilled at catching and eating snakes, so it may depend on the individual fox and its hunting abilities.


Many animals are known to eat snakes, including foxes. Other animals that eat snakes include hawks and other birds of prey, some species of fish, and even other snakes, such as king cobras.

Animals eat snakes, and mammals, such as mongooses and honey badgers, which are also known to eat snakes. This behavior helps these animals control the population of snakes in their environment, and also provides them with a source of food.

Some animals eating snakes, and store food for later, and these stored foods can also be considered dead snakes. Overall, the concept of a snack is not limited to humans, and many animals incorporate snakes into their diets in one way or another.

Foxes are relatively resilient animals and can withstand many toxins that would be deadly to other animals. However, there are still some things that are poisonous to foxes. For example, foxes can be poisoned by ingesting certain pesticides and other chemicals that are commonly used in agriculture.

They can also be poisoned by eating some venomous snack, and the carcasses of animals that have been killed with poison, or by consuming plants that are toxic to them. It is important to keep these things away from foxes to prevent them from being poisoned.

It is possible for a snake to eat a fox, but it is not very common. Foxes are generally too large for most snakes to handle, and they are also very quick and agile, which makes them difficult for snakes to catch. Snakes are more likely to eat smaller animals such as rodents, birds, and insects. However, if a snake were to encounter a sick or injured fox, it might be able to kill and eat it.

Both animals are found in various parts of the world, and both have adapted to a wide range of environments. However, they do not typically interact with each other in the wild, as they are not typically found in the same areas and do not share the same diet.