Fox as a Pet

Ultimate Guideline for Fox as a Pet: Legal or illegal

Nowadays having a pet is quite normal and it is a normal trend to adopt animals as pets. It depends on the laws and regulations. In some places, it may be legal to keep a fox as a pet with proper licensing, while in others it may be illegal.

Most people like to have pets that are cute, colorful, fragile, and smaller in size such as cats, dogs, pigeons, foxes, fish, rabbits, and ducks.

Can I Have Fox as a Pet?

All of us surely feel this loneliness gap in our life often or sometimes. Most people adopt animals such as dog, cat, and fox as a pet to fill this gap. Additionally, foxes have specific care requirements and may not make suitable pets for everyone.

It’s important to research and fully understand the responsibilities of owning a fox before making the decision to bring one into your home as a pet. People are adopting foxes as pets in North America and other countries of the world because of their cuteness and fragile appearance. It looks normal having a fox as a pet.

Can you own a fox as a pet? Fox petting is an interesting hobby that you could adopt to make yourself relax. If you are interested to have a cute pet fox then this article is going to be helpful for you.

Can I have Fox as a Pet or Not?

In this article, we will explore some facts which will help you to make your decision of keeping a fox as a pet.

You might be compelled to adopt a fox as a pet due to its cunning nature and soft-appearing fur. Having fox pets is prohibited in several areas, and the truth is that they don’t make good pets.

Foxes are considered to be wild animals because they are not domesticated. Foxes don’t adapt well to living indoors, unlike other species like dogs and cats that have been bred to get along with people.

So the basic question is “do foxes make good pets? Can foxes be domesticated? are foxes legal pets?  foxes bad facts? And where to get a pet fox?”.

Is It Legal to Own a Fox as a Pet?

Before deciding to get a pet fox, it’s crucial to understand the legalities of owning a fox as a pet. In the United States, for instance, foxes are illegal to own in certain states, while in others, you may need a permit or a license to keep one. It’s essential to research the laws in your state or country and obtain the necessary permits and licenses before bringing a fox home.

However, the majority of animal welfare organizations strongly warn against owning a fox as a pet. Foxes should typically be let to live wild lives in their natural habitat, although they are entertaining to watch.

Which States Allows Fox as a Pet?

The laws regarding fox ownership vary by state and country, and they can change frequently. In the United States, owning a fox as a pet is legal in some states, but illegal in others. Some states may require specific permits or licenses for owning a fox, while others may have a complete ban on fox ownership.

States that allow fox ownership include:

  • Arkansas
  • Indiana
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Wisconsin

However, it’s important to note that even in states where fox ownership is technically legal, the rules and regulations can vary by county or municipality.

Moreover, owning a fox as a pet requires a great deal of knowledge and commitment, they are wild animals and may not make suitable pets for most people. It’s important to research and educates yourself on the specific breed of fox you are interested in, its needs, and the legal requirements for owning one in your area before making a decision.

Creating the Perfect Home for Your Pet Fox

Foxes require a spacious and secure enclosure to keep them safe and healthy. The enclosure should provide enough space for them to move around and play, shelter to protect them from harsh weather conditions, and security to prevent them from escaping.

Additionally, the enclosure should also be cleaned and maintained regularly to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites.

Do Foxes Make Good Pets?

Foxes are wild animals and are not suitable pets. But still, some state foxes are kept as pets as they are adorable, humorous, and sneaky little fugitives. Foxes can resemble domestic dogs, and dogs are members of the canine family.

Foxes required particular care when being raised in a home, from being trained to use a little box to being socialized with the family and any other pets. The family of fox is Canidae which also contains dogs and wolves. Fox, cat, or dog are not at similar levels for domesticating.

In contrast to dogs, no foxes have ever been domesticated in the US. All fox species including Red, Grey, Arctic, and Fennec foxes, are regarded as wild animals. Even though the majority of species have adapted to thrive in human-populated places, they still require regular access to prey and substantial amounts of daily exercise.

Foxes can only be kept as pets in private homes in 15 states. There are some fox species that are prohibited, even in states where they are legal. The information about the specific states where foxes can be kept as pets is not known because it depends on the local laws of that area, and laws may change from time to time.

This is so because foxes are undomesticated predators, which means that in most states they are regarded as potentially invasive or “inherently hazardous.”

It’s best to check with your local law enforcement agencies or wildlife department for the information, as laws and regulations can vary from state to state, and sometimes even from county to county.

It’s important to be aware of the local laws, and if foxes are legal in your area, to make sure that you have the proper facilities and knowledge to take care of it properly.

Negative Impacts of Fox as a Pet

Here are some facts about foxes which make foxes as a pet not suitable for human beings.

  • Highly active: Foxes have a lot of energy. They can and will start to ruin their enclosure if they don’t receive adequate enrichment. They need a lot of room to move around, play, hunt, and dig. This would be perfect for a fox if you have a couple of acres of land. He or she won’t be pleased if not.
  • Territory marking habit: Urine is used by most mammals to mark their territory, and this behavior cannot be “taught out of them.”

Every fox has a strong drive to mark his or her territory, and that urge is accompanied by a pungent odor. Your house will quickly start to smell like an animal if you have a fox living there. Foxes are naturally motivated to mark their territory.

In their search for the ideal location to “mark” with their pee and excrement, they will destroy objects in the process. Some pet fox owners have made an effort to train them to use an indoor litter box.

Although they frequently urinate and defecate throughout the rest of the house, this tactic does work occasionally. An outside fox enclosure is a must if you’re thinking about owning a fox.

Even worse than dog or cat urine in terms of odor, fox urine is also extremely offensive. When it sprays, some people claim it smells skunk-like. And you can’t wash it out of furniture, carpet, or cloth.

  • Specific dietary needs: Foxes have specific dietary needs and require a diet that is high in protein and fat which may be difficult to provide.
  • Highly audible: Foxes are quite vocal, despite their reputation for being sly. During mating season, especially in January, they are known to scream at night like people.
  • Highly susceptible to disease: Foxes are susceptible to certain diseases and may transmit diseases to humans and other pets. Foxes have a strong urge to dig and burrow, which can be destructive to a home.

It is important to remember that foxes are wild animals and should be respected as such. They are not suitable pets for most people and it is important to consider the potential negative impacts of keeping a fox as a pet.

Can You Pet Breeds of a Fox Family?

In light of all of this, there are several things you should be aware of if you have considered adopting a fox pet and are permitted to keep a pet fox. Although they can be trained, foxes cannot be trained the same way that dogs can.

adopting a fox as pet needs training

Unlike foxes, dogs have been bred to place high importance on helping their owner over virtually all other considerations. Training a fox involves a lot of commitment.

Veterinary Care Needed for Foxes

Foxes cannot normally be treated by regular veterinarians since they are wild animals with very specific needs. Instead, foxes that require medical attention must visit a veterinarian.

having fox as pet is a full time job

Can Foxes be Tamed?

First of all, you must know about the differences between taming and domestication. Taming and domestication are two different terms.

Taming is the shaping of an individual’s behavior. Many wild animals can be tamed if you raise them from birth so they won’t try to harm you.Domestication is the long-term genetic change of a bred lineage. Domestication involves genetic modification when an animal is regularly bred, which results, among other things, in a heritable propensity toward sociability.

Foxes can be trained, however not in the same manner that dogs can. Unlike foxes, dogs have been bred to place higher importance on helping their owner than nearly anything else. It takes a lot of commitment to tame a fox.

How to Tame a Fox in Real Life?

Here are some basic tips to tame a fox for domestication.

  • Look for a reputable fox breeder.
  • Contact a veterinarian in your area who is willing to treat your fox.
  • Construct an interior or outdoor enclosure.
  • Gain the trust of the fox.
  • At 5 days interval, take out your walk.
  • Keep your fox entertained by providing him with some toys.
  • You should teach your fox to use a litter box or puppy pad.
  • Train your pet fox in the same way that you would a dog.
  • Use a spray bottle to redirect bad behavior.

Foxes for Sale as Pets

Some companies sell exotic animals and their children. These companies also have domestic fox breeds for sale.

Here is the list of some trusted sellers of foxes

  • CJG Exotics
  • Exotic pets
  • Hope Bennett
  • Stephanie Hollis
  • Tracie
  • Megan
  • Jay or Glenda
  • Michelle Smith. Mini Exotic Zoo, LLC (texas)
  • Sara Jones
  • Matt

You can approach these companies by visiting their website.

Where Can You Own a Fox?

There are a few things you should be aware of before considering purchasing a fox. First of all, owning a fox is very different than owning a dog or a cat. Since they are wild creatures, they are governed by unique laws. State-by-state variations exist in these rules. For instance, residents in Arkansas are prohibited from importing foxes from any of the other 19 states, such as Ohio, Texas, Montana, or New York.

On the other hand, you are free to capture a fox in the wild and keep it as a pet. You can also catch foxes in the wild in Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Virginia, but you have to pay a yearly fee of between $15 and $30. You are in Illinois and several other states.

You also need to be aware of the necessity of domestic foxes as pets. If you truly want to profit from having a fox’s pet, you must be prepared to invest time domesticating them.

How Much Does a Fox Cost?

A genuinely domesticated fox may cost between $5,000 and $9,000 to buy from a reputable company that truly raises domesticated foxes.

The domestic red fox is frequently the least expensive option than other fox breeds, but you might be able to discover a backyard breeder who sells his foxes for as little as $200 to $700.Costs ultimately vary according to the fox’s species, coat color, breeder, and age.

Domesticated Russian Foxes for Sale

The only variety of foxes that have undergone selective breeding in Russia is the Russian red fox. For those who can afford to acquire and care for domestic pet foxes, these foxes make ideal pets because they act a lot like dogs.

It’s crucial to understand whether or not owning a fox is permitted before you purchase or adopt one. Most states will outlaw keeping foxes as pets by 2022. Fox ownership is legal in 16 states, although there are distinct rules and permissions needed in each one.

Sum up Words

In conclusion, while some types of foxes, such as the domesticated fox and the fennec fox, can be kept as pets, they are wild animals that have specific needs and behaviors. They are also illegal to own in some states and countries. It’s important to consider the responsibility and commitment required to provide for the long-term care of a fox before deciding to keep one as a pet. It is highly recommended to consult with local authorities and experts before considering owning a fox as a pet.


While foxes can be kept as pets, they are not typically considered suitable pets for most people. Foxes are wild animals and require a lot of space, specialized care, and attention. They also have strong instincts and can be unpredictable.

Additionally, many states and municipalities have laws that prohibit or restrict the keeping of foxes as pets. It is important to investigate the specific laws and regulations in your area before considering a fox as a pet.

The legality of owning a pet fox varies by location. In some places, it may be legal to own a fox with a permit, while in others it may be completely illegal. Just 15 states allow to own foxes as pets, but just specific species of fox are allowed to have them as pets not all species.

When determining if a fox is a cat or a dog, the most logical place to begin is here. Fox’s eyes resemble cat eyes. They are more active at night, just like big cats that are not domesticated.

The grey fox resembles a cat and can climb trees because it has retractable claws. What about those whiskers, though? They are long and delicate, like a cat’s whiskers. They resemble cats in that they have thin bodies. Foxes are not felines they have a separate genus from cats and dogs.

Yes, it is possible to buy a fox as a pet, but it is important to check the laws and regulations in your area. If you are considering purchasing a fox as a pet, it is important to explore and educates yourself on the specific breed of fox you are interested in, its needs, and the legal requirements for owning one in your area.

No. Foxes are crepuscular, which means they are most active at dusk, at night, and during the twilight hours. They usually demolish anything in their path if they don’t have somewhere to channel their intense energy at that moment.

Numerous fox breeds, particularly the fennec, red, and grey fox, have been kept as pets. Other fox breeds, such as the arctic fox, kit fox, quick fox, and bat-eared fox, have been owned by people, although they are extremely rare and challenging to acquire through exotic pet sales and trades.

A fox is technically a dog. All of the creatures that are typically referred to as dogs belong to the family Canidae, which also includes foxes. Although most people wouldn’t associate a fox with a domestic dog, the two animals (cats and dogs) are quite closely related.