Dog magic trick. what do you call a dog that can do magic?

What Do You Call a Dog That Can Do Magic? Interesting Names

If you have a dog that can perform magic tricks, you could call it a “magician dog” or give it a whimsical magic-related name. Some popular options include Labracadabrador, Houdog, or Magic Mutt. There are no official terms for a magic dog, so feel free to get creative!

What do you call a dog that can do magic tricks? Get creative with fun magic dog names like Houdog or Labracadabrador. Learn how to train a dog for magic.

Watching a dog do magic tricks is always entertaining. From card tricks to making objects disappear, dogs with this special talent delight audiences. While any dog can be trained to perform magic with the right guidance, some breeds like Border Collies and Poodles may be naturally adept.

Names for a Magical Dog

This article helps the reader in two ways that what do you call a dog that can do magic but also effective to train a dog. If your amazing pooch wows with magical talents, you’ll want a fitting name. Here are some fun ideas:

Magician dog costume. what do you call a dog that can do magic?

Whimsical Magic Names

Get creative with punny names like:

  • Abracadabra
  • Hocus Pocus
  • Presto
  • Alakazam
  • Merlin
  • Sorcerer

“Magician Dog” Variations

Play with magician in the name:

  • Labracadabrador
  • Magic Mutt
  • Magician Dog
  • Mister The Magnificent
  • Dogenfield

Famous Magician Names

Borrow from famous magicians:

  • Houdog (Houdini)
  • Cardini (Cardini)
  • Dogdini (Houdini)
  • Henling (Henning)
  • Copperfield

What Do You Call a Dog That Can Do Magic?

Dogs that are good in magic are called by varying names. Mostly names are given depending on their different characteristics or abilities to perform uniquely.

Magical Creature Names

Use magical beings like:

  • Dragon
  • Wizard
  • Fairy
  • Genie
  • Unicorn
  • Phoenix

How to Train a Dog to Do Magic

With patience and positive reinforcement, many dogs can learn to perform magic tricks. Here are some tips:

Start Simple

Begin with basic behaviors like fetch or spin and shape into “vanishing” objects or finding hidden cards. Capture and reward approximations.

Use Their Natural Talents

Border Collies and Poodles tend to excel at learning tricks. Play up your dog’s natural strengths.

Break Down Tricks

Break magic tricks into small steps. Use lures, targets and modeling to teach each piece. Go slowly.

Motivate With Rewards

Use high-value treats, praise and play to motivate them to learn. Reward every success to build confidence.

Practice Short Sessions

Limit time to 5-10 minutes to train a dog. Young pups have short attention spans. Quit while they still want more.

Be Patient

Some tricks may take weeks or months to master. Go at their pace and keep sessions fun rather than frustrated.

Easy Magic Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

Even dogs without innate talent can learn some basic magic with time and practice. Easy tricks to try include:

The Vanishing Treat

Teach your dog to flip a treat off their nose into their mouth, making it “disappear.” Use a target or lure, rewarding approximations.

Find the Hidden Card

Start by having them fetch known objects. Progress to “finding” cards hidden around the room.

Ringing a Magic Bell

Condition them to nudge a bell with their nose or paw to “magically” produce a reward.

Pick a Card, Any Card

Hold up a fanned deck and capture nose targeting different cards on cue.

The Magic Box

Train a dog to put objects in a box that then “magically” disappears. Shape the behavior with a lure.

Dog finds playing card

Amazing Magic Dog Acts

Some talented pups and their creative owners or trainers have wowed huge audiences with their magical abilities. Here are a few legendary magic dog acts:

Magical Max

This Brussels Griffon performed on Britain’s Got Talent, sending the judges into stunned delight with his tricks like picking chosen cards and making objects disappear.

The Incredible Jorgie

This precocious Poodle pup became an online sensation with her magic act on America’s Got Talent involving mind-reading, floating objects and rings linking together.

PC Poppers

Police dog PC Popper went viral with his “paw-some” magic skills on Britain’s Got Talent where he seemed to read minds and unlock boxes with magical powers.

Simba the Magician Dog

This German Shepherd wows crowds across the country with his incredible magic show full of card tricks, dancing handkerchiefs, and daring escapes.

The Great Dane-Dini

As his name suggests, this towering Great Dane does his best Houdini impression as he magically escapes from locked crates, rings, and his owner’s jacket.

Benefits of Teaching Dogs Magic

Beyond impressing audiences, teaching dogs magic has many benefits including:

Mental Stimulation

Learning new behaviors keeps their mind active and challenged. Magic builds focus, memory and problem-solving skills.

Strengthens Bond

The extra time to train a dog strengthens the bond and understanding between dog and owner.

Improved Confidence

As shy dogs master tricks, it builds their confidence and reduces stress. Achieving the seemingly impossible is very rewarding!

Good Exercise

Certain magic tricks provide physical exercise as well. Great for high-energy dogs.

Fun for All

From clever card tricks to hilarious disappearing acts, magic brings joy and laughter to pet parents and audiences alike.


If you’re lucky enough to have a dog with magical talents, celebrate their abilities by giving them a fitting nickname like Houdog or Magic Mutt. While some dogs may be natural magicians, any breed can learn simple tricks with the right positive reinforcement training to train a dog.

Performing magic builds dogs’ confidence, exercise, and bond with their loving owners. So try teaching your dog some magical fun, and who knows – you may end up with the next canine magician TV star!